I come from a long line people with the klutz gene in their DNA. Today as Mom was describing to me how she fell when she was outside and smashed the freshly picked tomatoes that were in her pocket all I could think of was Grandma falling on her way home from Kroger...stopping traffic so she could gather her groceries and eyeglasses. Now I understand both of the above mentioned falls were very serious but believe me we are so accustomed to falling that it has become very comical..2 broken legs myself from falling and I still laugh about having the klutz gene.
Today was a busy day, two Dr appointments with Mom, Hannah leaving for cross country camp and haircuts for Hayden and I, my mind was always on something...as I pulled into Mom's second Dr appointment I realized that I was at the wrong Dr's office.....I was at the Kids Dr! Now mind you I had no kids with me...I swear I could hear Grandma laughing at me as I raced across town to the right Dr's office. After the Dr appointment I went to Kroger to get Hannah's required camp food from the list she gave me an hour before.... as I was checking out the cashier was looking at me like I had grown another nose and said "um hun I don't think this card is going to work" as she handed me back my Blue Cross Card. I said if you only knew how much I have used that card lately you would understand why its the first card I pull out of my wallet! At this point I have no choice but to laugh at myself all the way out to the car. I know Grandma is thinking....So you think Bev is becoming me, well honey you better take a look in the mirror!
Mom is doing well. She still has all her hair and she is even growing hair back where they shaved it for her surgery. Every time we see a Dr they tell her she is going to loose her hair. She told me today that she wishes she would just start loosing it so she wouldn't have to shave her legs. I told her I would get Suzy to come over and give her a wax job. I think she is weaker than she was, she has trouble climbing stairs ( see the above mentioned fall ) and sometimes even standing up is difficult. I also noticed she is shaking more than before. During our last Neurologist visit the Dr said the tremors were from the brain tumor and the seizure medication would keep them minimal. I called the Dr today to see if they should up her dosage...he is going to call me back. The steroid is helping with her appetite and making her face really round. Dan said "your Mom looks cute with her round face" and I agree she does look cute! Dr Littles sent Mom for a blood test to check her vitamin D because she was not sleeping well. The results came back as deficient so she is on a vitamin D 500000 once a week to be eaten with a fatty meal. She takes that fatty meal very seriously and plans for it all week. This week it is going to be prim rib and mashed potatoes thanks to Charlene.
Tuesday we went to the Social Security office and it looks like Mom will begin receiving Social Security Disability real soon. We were told that as long as one of her Dr's confirms her diagnosis she will be approved. They also said because she is stage 4 the process only takes about a week instead of several months. I guess that one benefit of stage 4 brain cancer.is that you move to the front of the line at the Social Security Office.
We got Hannah's results back last Thursday. She has a benign breast parenchyma with sclerosing adenosis. Yah thats what I thought too:) The Dr dumbed it down for us.....a normal substance growing between the skin and breast tissue. She suggests to leave it in and have a re-check in 3months for further growth. Hayden had an appointment for his leg and they took his cast off. He was so happy until the Dr came in and told him it wasn't healed and they were going to put another on on for 3 more weeks. He was so bummed. I feel so bad for him he will still have his cast on for their first cross country meet. I am humbled by all the people that care about my children. There is not a single day that goes by that someone isn't asking about them. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
Oh yah I almost forgot...Dad was standing on the tire of his truck and was reaching into the bed to get a bag when his foot slipped off the tire and he fell onto the side of the truck and broke his ribs. He is in a lot of pain and is moving very slowly. Never fear Dan and Jay are taking care of things around their house until Dad heals. They are lucky to have such great son-in-laws and Jeni and I are lucky to have such great husbands.